black history month 2

valencia community college
2nd year
hometown: orlando florida
general studies
twitter: _supastarrr
what does black history month mean to you? what are your feeling regarding black history month and who are some of your heroes and why?

Hey it's Supastarrr,
To me, Black History Month should be a way for us to reflect on what we've been through, where we are at now, && where we see ourselves in the future. Now, more than ever, because we have a black President, should be evidence that we can really do anything we set our minds to.
My hero is Malcolm X, definitely. Although he was a black supremacist, it's not hard to see why. He educated black people on their roots, helping them to stand up against white people until they were treated fairly. One of my favorite quotes by him is "Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."